Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Decriminalize Marijuana

      In the opinion column of The Daily Texan, Ali Breland published a great article tiled "How decriminalizing marijuana would benefit Texas' health, equality." In this article Breland touches on how decriminalizing marijuana would benefit our economy, our health, and even Texas' racial equality. Recently, at the The World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Governor Rick Perry stated that he wants to "implement policies that start us toward decriminalization and keep people from going to prison and destroying their lives." Even though Rick Perry has yet to implement any decriminalization policies, his advocacy is progress.
     Each year Texas arrests around 80,000 people for marijuana possession, resulting in the cost of $10,000 for one single arrest. Think of all the money Texas would save! Breland also points out that racial profiling is more apparent in certain races compared to others. Low income and minority neighborhoods are also seen to be targeted when it comes to marijuana arrests. Decriminalizing marijuana can help decrease the problem of racial profiling that is apparent in Texas and help increase social equality around the world. The medical benefits of marijuana include everything from relieving migraines all the way to helping lessen the harsh symptoms and pains of cancer.
      All in all, whether you are for decriminalizing marijuana or not, this article gives you many good points to think about. I perceive the attended audience to be those who are in favor of decriminalizing marijuana. What enhances this article is the amount of quotes and claims Breland includes from various major university professors and from other credible sources. These eyebrow raising statics and claims add to the credibility of her opinion article. She provides the link to the 2010 census as well as two other links to articles from the New York Times that supports her logic. I loved this article. :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Think Before You Drink!!!

      On Monday, February 10, 2014 KVUE.com posted an article titled "Elmore found guilty of intoxication manslaughter." Back in November of 2011, former paramedic, Terri Elmore hit and killed Pastor Jackson Boyette and his wife Barbara in a head on collision. Elmore was clearly intoxicated, with blood alcohol level tests proving that she was over twice the legal limit. This mother of five recently remarried eight months ago and is well known for being an active volunteer at their church. Today, Elmore was found guilty of two counts of intoxication manslaughter and can face up to a total of 40 years in prison.
     This article is definitely worth reading because one bad decision can literally ruin your entire life. It doesn't matter who you are, if you have a good career, or even if you have a family. Drinking and driving endangers your own self as well as innocent others.