Saturday, April 26, 2014

Comments on a Collegue's Blog Post

     I completely agree with my colleague's "Lonestar State of Mind" blog post titled "Careful...Scary Ghost Votes are Lurking!" Ghost voting is without a doubt unethical and should be illegal. We select who we want to represent us for a reason.  Ghost voting definitely skews the voting turnout if one representative votes in their favor for another representative. Just think about it. As mentioned in my colleague's post, we pay our representatives to be present at their job. Our lives are practically in their hands and a single law can make or break us. It’s insane how the people who vote on laws for us and represent us, don’t even follow their own rules. When a representative is away from his or her desk, their chance to vote is lost and shouldn’t be taken into someone else’s hands. We understand, especially during a 12 to 14 hour period that bathroom and lunch breaks are necessary. But again, as my colleague has mentioned, that’s what we are paying them for.
     The reason why I love this well written post so much is not only because it raises awareness to the horrors of ghost voting, but also because of the solutions my colleague offers. The first solution proposed is to place voting terminals throughout the building to allow our representatives to vote when they are away from their desks. Although this will not affect those who leave the building for a break, it is a step in the right direction. The second solution my colleague suggests is to make leaving the House illegal to help reduce ghost voting. 
     Before ghost voting was brought to my attention in a class lecture, I had no idea that this was going on. It's disappointing to say the least that our representatives aren't taking their jobs too seriously. 

1 comment:

Claudio Flores said...

I'm drawing the line. The line has been drawn. A free for WiFi access? UT wants to charge a fee on top of their tuition? On top of all the other fees one has to pay to park, dorm, downtown parking, and food? It doesn't matter to me if the fee is .20 cents or 400 dollars, it matters to me because they have the audacity to charge the students more money because they can. That is discouraging information. It makes me not want to go to UT because who knows what else they might make a fee. What about a fee for riding your bike on campus? Or a fee to use any electrical outlet on campus? Free WiFi is the future for attracting people to places. If we are already shelling out thousands of dollars to learn why make students pay a couple dollars more? No. This is just another way to squeeze more money out of the people who need ever penny they can get. What a shame. Good job on informing me, a future student!