Friday, May 9, 2014

Comments on a Collegue's Blog Post #2

     In her blog "Politics A la The Lone Star", my colleague Jessica posted an extremely well written and undoubtedly true post titled "Sex, Lies, and the Classroom." With Texas having the 4th highest rate of teen pregnancy, sex education should have it's own core curriculum. In my opinion, it's just as important as math, history, science, english, and whatever else is thrown into "education" these days. Throughout this post, my colleague stresses the fact that Texas focuses sex education solely based on abstinence instead of pregnancy and disease prevention. 
     I remember in my science class at the end of 8th grade year, we had "the talk" that accompanied a signed form by my parents allowing me to attend the discussion. Abstinence was forced down our throats and slide shows of various sexually transmitted diseases scarred us for life. We were told how to say no to someone who wanted to have sex with us, but we weren't told how to protect ourselves. This is where the system is going wrong. 
     The most interesting piece of information to me in her blog is the huge differences between Texas' and California's sex education. After first taking a sex education class in Texas, and then in California afterwards, my colleague felt as if information was twisted and withheld from her. 
     Our sex education programs are sweeping the root of the problems under the rug instead of facing them head on. Telling teenagers not to have sex is only going to make them more curious, not more cautious.

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